2022 President’s Fiscal Year Budget submitted to Congress

Published June 7, 2021
Updated: June 7, 2021

The Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress the President’s Budget for fiscal year 2022, May 28, 2021. Included in the proposed budget is the Army Civil Works FY 2022 Budget. For the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Program, the Budget would provide $6.8 billion in gross discretionary funding, including $5 billion from the General Fund of the Treasury, $52 million from the Inland Waterways Trust Fund, $1.6 billion — the highest amount ever requested — from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, and an estimated $47 million from Special Recreation User Fees.

From the proposed budget, the Southwestern Division will be provided with about $616 million for its civil works program, which includes approximately $458 million for operations and maintenance projects, $149 million for construction projects and $9.2 million for investigations.

The approximate breakdown for the Division’s four districts is as follows:

-        Fort Worth District:           $90 million – $2.3 million (Investigations), $87 million (O&M)

-        Galveston District:            $119 million – $6.9 million (Investigations), $112 million (O&M)

-        Little Rock District:            $268 million – $149 million (Construction), $119 million (O&M)

-        Tulsa District:                    $138 million (O&M)

The budget gives priority to projects with the highest economic, environmental, and safety returns, one of which is the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. The System turned 50 years old on June 5, 2021 and it’s 18 Locks and Dams are maintained by the Little Rock and Tulsa Districts. Between the Districts, the MKARNS will receive $97 million for O&M projects and $149 million for a construction new start for the Three Rivers, Ark., project.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works program works with other Federal agencies, and with State, Tribal and local agencies and others to develop, manage, restore and protect water resources primarily through the construction, operation and maintenance and study of water-related infrastructure projects, as well as by regulating development in waters of the United States, and working with other Federal agencies to help communities respond to, and recover from, floods and other natural disasters. 

"The Army Civil Works FY 2022 Budget — the highest annual Budget ever requested for the Civil Works program — focuses on investments that yield high economic and environmental returns, while increasing resiliency to climate change, promoting environmental justice and opportunity in disadvantaged communities, and supporting a strong economy by accelerating and improving the delivery of water resources products and services," said Jaime Pinkham, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.

Edward Rivera
817-694-9679 (cell)

Release no. 21-035