The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers supports state water planning efforts through several authorities and programs. The districts of the Southwestern Division, together with the Kansas City District, are coordinating efforts with the Texas Water Development Board, Oklahoma Water Resources Board and Kansas Water Office to identify opportunities and resolve challenges for more effective federal-state collaboration in the region. Little Rock District actively partners with the state agencies in Arkansas and Missouri.
Recent News
17 February 2012. The third annual Regional State Water Planning Summit was held at the National World War I Museum in Kansas City from 15-16 February. The team reviewed accomplishments in FY11, including: signing of the team charter, execution of $1.9 million in funds through the Planning Assistance to States program in the region, and attendance at coordination meetings with Headquarters USACE and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. Actions identified for FY12 focused on more effective federal-state collaboration, aging infrastructure and the Corps regulatory review process.
Past Events
2 November 2011. Little Rock District hosted the annual partnering meeting of the Missouri Departments of Conservation and Natural Resources and Corps of Engineers at Table Rock Lake. The meeting included updates from each of the state agencies and the five Corps districts with civil works mission responsibilities in the state, including: Little Rock, Kansas City, Memphis, Rock Island and St. Louis districts. Other items of discussion included the recovery effort from the Missouri river flooding in 2011, state watershed management initiatives, the Corps' regulatory program and stream mitigation requirements, and impacts of declining operational budgets.
19 August 2011. The Commanders of the Southwestern and Northwestern Divisions, together with the directors of the Texas Water Development Board, Oklahoma Water Resources Board and Kansas Water Office, signed a charter for Regional State/Federal Collaboration in Water Resources Planning and Management. The charter outlines the commitment of the group to work together to identify opportunities to align federal and state authorities and funding in support of state water planning efforts. Both the Corps and the states will continue to work together to improve communications and efficiency, and ensure the best use of resources in the region.
25 February 2011. Little Rock District facilitated a partnering meeting with the Arkansas state agencies (AGFC, ANRC and ADEQ) with responsibilities for water resources management in the state and the Corps' Memphis and Vicksburg districts, whose civil works mission areas include portions of the state. The meeting was held February 25, 2011 in Little Rock, AR. The objectives of the meeting were to: open communications between the state agencies and the three Corps districts that serve the state, determine priorities for state partnering with the Corps, and collaboratively work on state water planning.
6 January 2011. The second annual Regional State Water Planning Summit was held at the Stephenson Research Center on the campus of the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK on 5-6 February 2011. Objectives of the summit were to: improve situational awareness of water resources planning issues in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas; update the states on the status and future directions of the Corps' budget process and programs that impact water resources planning; and identify opportunities for collaboration among the Corps and the states, desired outcomes and actions items to meet the states' water resources needs.