Asset Management

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Expand List item 15993Collapse List item 15993  Asset Management

Military and Interagency customers are becoming increasingly focused on making smart investment decisions regarding real property assets.  Through the Asset Management business line, USACE districts support customers in taking a deliberate and comprehensive approach to the management of these assets through real property inventories and condition assessments.  These assessments enable the customer to develop a more well-informed planning, budgeting, and execution strategy, and assists in determining which life cycle investment strategy should be considered (i.e., initiate, sustain, restore, modernize, or divest).

There is a broad spectrum of assessments that can be performed to provide a comprehensive perspective of the condition and functional effectiveness of real property assets across an agency’s entire portfolio.  These actions can include real property inventory, facility condition assessments, real property installed equipment assessments, space utilization studies, energy audits, environmental assessments, and more.  USACE uses the Sustainment Management System (SMS) as a key part of asset management.  While the SMS software suite is best known for BUILDER, it also includes PAVER, ROOFER and RAILER modules, with more modules being developed.

To date, the Southwestern Division has provided asset management support to the Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Texas National Guard, Customs and Border Protection, and the National Nuclear Securities Administration.


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Military Integration Division

(469) 487-7047