The Operations & Maintenance (O) portfolio contains 14 projects with an approximate cost of $53.5 million within the Galveston, Little Rock and Tulsa Districts.

Project locations

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Galveston District Projects

Expand List item 23959Collapse List item 23959  O-01- Buffalo Bayou & Tributaries

Supplemental funding for this project was appropriated for the Buffalo Bayou project to address the following Hurricane Harvey damages:

  • Repairs to roller-compacted concrete spillway. A contract scheduled to be awarded in April 2020 with an estimated project completion in December 2020.
  • Repair erosion along the Clodine Ditch project feature. A contract scheduled to be awarded in March 2020 with an estimated project completion in October 2020.
  • Design and re-construction of the Addicks Project Office (Federal office building). The design has been completed, a construction contract is scheduled to be awarded in July 2020. The project is estimated to be completed in August 2021.
Expand List item 23999Collapse List item 23999  O-02 - Cedar Bayou

The Cedar Bayou project experience significant shoaling during Hurricane Harvey. Supplemental funding for this project was appropriated to perform critical maintenance dredging and restore depleted dredged material disposal capacity from the dredging operations.

Dredging operations were complete in December 2019.

A contract to restore depleted dredged material disposal capacity is scheduled to be award in 2020. Currently there is sufficient funding to perform minimal placement and improvements. Additional funding in the amount of $2.7 million is required to complete all Hurricane Harvey related damages for this project.

Expand List item 24000Collapse List item 24000  O-03 - The Channel to Port Mansfield

Supplemental funding for the Channel to Port Mansfield Project was provided for the removal of shoaled material along the nearly 13-mile channel (Gulf of Mexico to Port Mansfield) and construction of a beneficial-use site needed to serve as a placement area for the shoaled material.

  • Beneficial use site construction is ongoing and is expected to be completed in April 2020.
  • A maintenance dredging contract is scheduled to be awarded in April 2020. The maintenance dredging is expected to be completed in February 2021.
Expand List item 24001Collapse List item 24001  O-05 - Corpus Christi Ship Channel

Supplemental funding was appropriated to the Corpus Christi Ship Channel project in order to address several Hurricane Harvey-related damages, including:

  • Critical maintenance dredging caused by Hurricane Harvey. (Completed in 2018),
  • Salvage operations within the Corpus Christi Ship Channel project. The contract was awarded in Sept 2019, salvage operations are currently ongoing,
  • Damage to the Corpus Christi jetty system. A $38.7 million contract was awarded, with an additional $9 million available that could be used to complete all Hurricane Harvey-related damages on the Corpus Christi North Jetty. Once received, funding could be obligated within 30 days.
Expand List item 24028Collapse List item 24028  O-09 - Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

Supplemental funding was appropriated for the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to address repairs to the Colorado River Lock structure, critical dredging requirements and repair of shoreline erosion along the GIWW. Repairs to the Colorado River Locks and dredging operations were completed in 2018. The shoreline erosion repair contract was awarded in September 2019 and is expected to be completed in January 2021.

Expand List item 24030Collapse List item 24030  O-10 - Houston Ship Channel

Supplemental funding was appropriated for the Houston Ship Channel for a variety of damages along the Houston Ship Channel, including:

  • Salvage operations. (Completed in 2018)
  • Various emergency dredging requirements, of which, the last contract was awarded in September 2019. These dredging requirements are scheduled to be completed in April 2020.
  • Restore depleted dredged material disposal capacity:
    • The PA-14 Containment Dike improvements contract was awarded September 2019 and is expected to be completed in December 2020
    • The Peggy Lake Containment Dike improvements contract was awarded in September 2019 and is expected to be completed in March 2021
Expand List item 24426Collapse List item 24426  O-11 - Mouth of the Colorado River

Supplemental funding was appropriated for this project to perform emergency maintenance dredging of shoaled material resulting from Hurricane Harvey. The contact was awarded in February 2020 and is scheduled to be completed in January 2021.

Expand List item 24427Collapse List item 24427  O-13 - Wallisville

Supplemental funding was appropriated for this project to repair Hurricane Harvey damages to the Wallisville West Levee road. The contract is scheduled to be awarded in March 2020 and is expected to be completed in December 2020.

Little Rock District Projects

Expand List item 24031Collapse List item 24031  O-04 - Clearwater Lake

Supplemental funding was appropriated for the Clearwater Lake Project to address multiple floodwater-caused issues including bank erosion, destruction of some facilities, and damage to spillways and basins. The project will ensure continued flood water management by the lake and associated structures. 

Expand List item 24032Collapse List item 24032  O-14 - McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS)

Supplemental funding was appropriated for the MKARNS Project to provide navigation and flood risk reduction. The Little Rock District is completing multiple repair actions to ensure the continued function of the MKARNS. Project actions include dredging, rock training structure and bank stabilization, scour hole and levee repairs, replacing bulkhead structures, replacing sump pumps, and various gate and dam repairs.

Tulsa District Projects

Expand List item 24033Collapse List item 24033  O-06 - Fort Gibson Lake

Supplemental funding in the amount of $879,000 was appropriated for the Fort Gibson Lake flood risk reduction contract to remove and replace the slip lining and flap gates on Dike 10 (Wagoner Levee). The work will reduce the likelihood of localized flooding on the land side of the dike forming the western boundary between Fort Gibson Lake and the northeast corner of Wagoner, Oklahoma.

Flap gates prevent water from pooling on the land side of the dike during periods of heavy rainfall. Flap gates work by allowing water to flow into the lake from the land side of the dike. When lake levels rise above the drainage works the force of the lake closes the gates and preventing flooding into residences in Wagoner.

Slip liners prevent seepage from the pipes that run through a dike or levee. The original slip liner, installed during Fort Gibson Lake’s construction between 1942 and 1946, will be replaced with a new high density polyethylene liner.

The project has been delayed by high lake levels brought on by high levels of rainfall in the Grand Neosho Watershed.

Program photos

R.D. James, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, middle, speaks with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District Commander Col. Kenneth Reed, right, and Dam Safety Project Manager Stacy Gray, left, during a visit to the Lewisville Dam Spillway. Mr. James visited Lewisville Lake to meet USACE Fort Worth staff and receive a brief of the Lewisville Dam Safety Modification and other lake projects. Fort Worth District was established in 1950. Lewisville Lake dam constructed in 1955, it has 187 miles of shoreline, 28 designated public use areas, 16,352 acres above normal pool and 5,747 acres of flowage easement. The district is responsible for water resources development in two-thirds of Texas, and design and construction at military installations in Texas and parts of Louisiana and New Mexico. U.S Army photo by Trevor Welsh.
Beach nourishment project west of 61st street is in conjunction with the broader project to dredge the Houston and Galveston channels. The nourishment project, a collaboration between USACE, the Texas Land Office and the Galveston Park Board of Trustees, is expected to place up to 711,000 cubic yards of material along the existing beach.
Beach nourishment project west of 61st street is in conjunction with the broader project to dredge the Houston and Galveston channels. The nourishment project, a collaboration between USACE, the Texas Land Office and the Galveston Park Board of Trustees, is expected to place up to 711,000 cubic yards of material along the existing beach.
