Table of Appeals

District  Appellant  Processing Number  Type of Appeal  Date Received Acceptable RFA Date Completed or Withdrawn Appeal Decision

Final District Action

    SWL-2022-00183 Approved JD 12-Apr-23 2-May-23 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Mr. Gary Moore SWG-2021-00416 Approved JD 3-Mar-22 25-Mar-22 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Galveston Mr. David Williams SWG-2018-00811 Approved JD 3 JAN 22 28 JAN 22 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Tulsa Oklahoma Department of Transportation SWT-2011-00169 Approved JD 29 JAN 2021 12 July 21 Has Merit Remanded to DE Not Applicable
Tulsa Wichita Falls Independent School District SWT-2020-00596 Approved JD 5 Feb 2020 15 Feb 2020 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Fort Worth Mr. Ken Day SWF-2019-00075 Approved JD 30 Nov 2020 7 Dec 2020 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Tulsa Capital Homes Residential, LLC SWT-2019-00564 Approved JD 4-Sep-2020 6-Oct-2020 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Dr. David Olson SWG-2018-00681 Approved JD 25-Oct-2019 6-July-2020 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Tulsa Hondo, LLC SWT-2019-00189 Approved JD 22-Jul-2019 12-Dec-2019 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston LaBelle Properties SWG-2018-00874 Approved JD 10-Apr-2019 13-May-2019 Not Accepted

Not Applicable

Fort Worth RBAMDI, LCC SWF-2018-0029 Approved JD 10-Apr-2019 18-Apr-2019 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Conroe Municipal Management District  SWG-2015-00328 Denial 25-Oct-2018 03-Sep-2020 Has Merit Remanded to DE Withdrawn by applicant
 Tulsa Mr. Bron Gardner SWT-2018-00090 Approved JD  22-Mar-2018  04-Apr-2018 Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Galveston  Mr. Mark Scully SWG-2017-00099 Approved JD  02-Mar-2018 10-Sep-2018 Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Galveston  Port Street LLC SWG-2015-00694 Approved JD  08-Sep-2017 23-Apr-2018 Not Accepted Not Applicable
 Galveston  Oiltanking North America SWG-2016-01025 Approved JD  05-Jun-2017  09-Jun-2017  Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Galveston Ms. Lorraine Davenport SWG-2015-00202 Approved JD 23-Mar-2017 14-Apr-2017 Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Tulsa Southern Oklahoma Regional Disposal SWT-2015-00412 Approved JD 22-Sep-16  06-Oct-16 Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Galveston Mr. Wade Cook SWG-2015-00745 Approved JD 14-July-16  12-Aug-16 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Little Rock Mr. Scott Krehmeier N/A N/A  24-Mar-15  27-Apr-15 Not Accepted Not Applicable
 Tulsa Double Eagle Estates, LLC SWT-2014-00303 Approved JD 5-Sep-14  28-Apr-15 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
 Galveston Mr. Craig Millard SWG-2005-00522 Approved JD  4-Aug-14  6-Apr-15 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
 Galveston Aurora Algae, Inc. SWG-2013-00997 Approved JD  9-July-14  30-July-14 Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Galveston Ms. Maria Rademacher SWG-2011-00591 Approved JD  21-Mar-14  9-June-14 Has Merit  Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
 Galveston Mr. Walter Fondren SWG-2012-00951 Standard Permit 13-Aug-13 13-Dec-13 Has Merit Remanded to DE Reversed
 Galveston Mr. Walter Fondren SWG-2012-00951 Standard Permit 8-July-13 15-July-13 Not Accepted Not Applicable
 Galveston Ms. Maria Rademacher SWG-2011-00591-RC Approved JD 26-July-13 26-Aug-13 Withdrawn Not Applicable
 Fort Worth Working Lands Investment Partners SWF-2009-00278 Mitigation Bank Dissaproval 5-Mar-13 12-Apr-13 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Galveston The Port of Corpus Christi Authority SWG-2011-00661 Approved JD 20-Jul-12 15-Jan-13 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreath SWG-2012-00088 Approved JD 9-Jul-12 9-Oct-12 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Mr. Ted Dahl SWG-2010-00764 Approved JD 25-Jan-12 22-May-12 Has Merit Remanded to DE Modified
Galveston Don Adams SWG-2010-00853 Standard Permit 14-Oct-11 5-Dec-11 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Galveston Angel Rodriguez SWG-2005-01295 Approved JD 13-Oct-11 5-Dec-11 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Galveston Waco Estates SWG-2010-01130 Approved JD 23-May-11 27-Jul-11 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Dow Freeport SWG-2009-01187 Approved JD 7-Mar-11 1-Jun-11 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
Galveston Mr. Ted Dahl SWG-2010-00764 Approved JD 20-Oct-10 14-Jan-11 No Merit Not Applicable
Fort Worth Mr. Mike Bird SWF-2008-00257 Mitigation Bank Dissaproval 24-Jun-10 16-Aug-10 Not an appealable action Not Applicable
Galveston Ford SWG-2003-00372 Approved JD 19-Nov-09 6-Apr-10 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Shomac SWG-2008-001144 Approved JD 6-Oct-09 1-Jul-10 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
Galveston Garcia Balli, L.P. SWG-2008-01041 Approved JD 12-Mar-09 22-Dec-09 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Little Rock SEECO, Inc. SWL-2008-00444 Approved JD 16-Jan-09 22-Jun-09 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
Galveston Palace Exploration Company SWG-2007-00917 Declined Proffered Permit 24-Oct-08 6-Apr-10 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston James Cox SWG-2007-01246 Approved JD 7-Oct-08 30-Apr-09 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston PA Waterfront SWG-2008-00430 Approved JD 17-Sep-08 22-Jun-09 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Meschi 20907 (02) Denial 23-Oct-07 30-Jan-09 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
Little Rock Mehaffy 12619-2 Denial 16-Oct-07 28-Jan-08 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Parkwood SWG-2007-1014 Approved JD 24-Jul-07 17-Dec-07 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Zapata County SWG-2007-779 Approved JD 23-Jul-07 17-Mar-07 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Roy Zboyan D-16980/01 Approved JD 23-Feb-07  15-Jul-07 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Roy Zboyan D-16980/01 Approved JD 14-Oct-06 17-Nov-06 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Couchman SWG-2006-00025 Approved JD  8-Sep-06 6-Nov-06 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Smith SWG-2004-02372 Approved JD 22-Jun-06 22-Sep-06 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Little Rock Noel Davis 19504 Denial 22-Dec-05 8-Feb-06 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Scruggs SWG-21011(2) Denial 16-Jun-05 15-Jul-05 Did Not Meet Criteria Not Applicable
Galveston Wood Lake Village I-4850 Approved JD 29-Mar-05 8-Mar-07 Has Merit Remanded to DE Further Documented but Unchanged
Galveston Nueces Production SWG-2003-01814 Approved JD 21-Mar-05 19-Aug-05 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Glenn Martin 23485 Denial 22-Feb-05 1-Apr-05 No Merit Not Applicable
Little Rock Noel Davis 19504 Approved JD 29-Oct-04 10-Jan-05 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Robert Esenwein D-10917/(01) Approved JD 14-Oct-04 3-Dec-04 Did Not Meet Criteria Not Applicable
Tulsa Luther Barkley 13595 Approved JD 2-Apr-04 14-Oct-04 Has Merit Remanded to DE  Reversed
Galveston Friedricks 22902 Approved JD 5-Feb-04 4-Mar-04 Did Not Meet Criteria Not Applicable
Galveston Cheniere LNG 11192 Approved JD 5-Feb-04 8-Apr-04 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Galveston Bratton  10705/02 Approved JD 4-Feb-04 26-Mar-04 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Woolverton  22457 Denial 1-Dec-03 7-Sep-04 No Merit Not Applicable
Tulsa City of Sallisaw 12298 Approved JD 19-Nov-03 17-Sep-04 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Novelli  21071(2) Denial 6-Nov-03 26-Mar-04 No Merit Not Applicable
Little Rock Hutcherson 18143 Denial 2-Oct-03 8-Jan-04 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Kahala Development D-14079-01/02 Approved JD 2-Jul-03 19-Nov-03 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Gibbons Trust D-13290 Approved JD 9-May-03 17-Sep-03 Merit Further documented
Little Rock Echubby Lake Hunting Club 17530 Permit Denial 26-Mar-03 3-Jul-03 No Merit Not Applicable
Little Rock Sullivan 15854 Approved JD 2-Dec-02 10-Feb-03 Did Not Meet Criteria Not Applicable
Galveston Sand Supply, Inc D-13792 Approved JD 28-Oct-02 3-Mar-03 Has Merit Remanded to DE Pursue Enforcement Case
Little Rock Echubby Lake Hunting Club File 17530 Approved JD 24-Oct-02 15-Jan-03 No Merit Not Applicable
Galveston Tom Clements D-12340 Approved JD 15-Oct-02  19-Jan-03 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Tenzer 12526 Approved JD 4-Sep-01 29-Nov-01 Withdrawn Not Applicable
Galveston Jimmie Lee Kazaleh I-4298 Approved JD 27-Jun-01 17-Jul-01 Not Accepted Not Applicable
Galveston W.S. Reaves  D-6193/1 Approved JD 16-Feb-01 30-May-01 No Merit Further Documented but Unchanged
Little Rock Searcy Co. Water Dist.  13861 Permit Denial 7-Jul-00 9-Nov-00 Has Merit Remanded to DE







