Planning & Response Teams

The US Army Corps of Engineers coordinates federal public works and engineering related support during natural and manmade emergencies.  USACE utilizes Planning and Response Teams  to respond to these emergencies.  Each team is organized by mission area and is comprised of USACE employees who volunteer and undergo special response training. 

Primary mission teams include: Commodities, National Ice, National Water, Temporary Emergency Power, Debris Removal, Temporary Roofing, Temporary Housing, Infrastructure Assessment and Urban Search and Rescue.

Southwestern Division has Combined Commodities, Debris, Emergency Power, Temporary Roofing, and Urban Search and Rescue teams.

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Field Force Engineering

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Expand List item 3019Collapse List item 3019  Field Force Engineering provides engineering services to the military, Department of Defense and federal agencies in support of military and catastrophic disaster relief operations relevant to national security.  History shows that engineering requirements in these missions are often overwhelming in the early stages of operations and again during the post-hostility/post-declaration phase. As a result, USACE specialists are called upon to fill the capability gaps.

The Corps' FFE program uses small, expeditious teams of military and USACE civilian specialists to bring the Corps technical engineering capabilities and expertise to the front with minimal footprint.

Through the use of cutting-edge, off-the-shelf communications equipment, FFE provides 'reachback' capability to enable personnel deployed worldwide to talk directly with experts in the United States when a problem in the field needs quick resolution.  Deployed troops are linked to subject matter experts within USACE, such as the Reachback Operations Center, private industry, and academia. This relationship with the combatant commander allows direct access to vast resources to support theater engagement strategies, contingency planning, and wartime operations.