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US Army Corps of Engineers
Southwestern Division Website

Business Management Division Functions

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Oversee and provide regional management for workforce development, technical training, leadership development, and mentoring and coaching to ensure technical competence, development of our future leaders, and a relevant workforce.  Oversee mission essential task list (METL) process and individual development plans (IDP) for workforce development prioritization and resourcing.  Conduct skill assessments and gap analyses to advise senior leadership of future training needs and programs.  Implement mandatory, centralized, and Army Civilian Training, Education and Development System (ACTEDS) programs and ensure compliance.  Manage Automated Training Management Program (ATMP).  Oversee the USACE Leadership Development Program and the Regional Leadership Development Program, levels I, II, and III for the SWD RBC.  Develop Annual Training Guidance.  Contribute and support SWD Human Capital planning process with training, leader development, and gap analyses subject matter expertise.   
Manage SWD “Business Rhythm” that ensures budget, workload, manpower, and acquisition decision-making cycles and governing forums (i.e., Regional Command Council, Regional Management Board, Regional Program Review Board, Regional Acquisition Strategy Board, and Regional Program and Budget Advisory Board) are integrated and synchronized.  Ensure governance is in concert with regional operating strategies, leverage regional and national resources, optimize business processes, and obtain the SWD Commander’s priorities and goals.  Specifically provide administrative support to the SWD Commander for the SWD Command Council, and provide preparation for senior leadership for USACE governing boards (e.g., USACE Command Council) and forums (e.g., CMRs, SLCs, NMB, etc.).
Institutionalize continuous improvement and a culture of quality through process improvement, best practices, and quality management systems.  Prioritize and lead specific improvement initiatives with appropriate quality management/process improvement tools, such as Lean Six Sigma, Re-Engineering, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), etc.  Recommend best approaches and provide advice to senior leadership on CI initiatives.  Integrate and synchronize all quality forums, such as DCE, CR, SAV, QMS Steering Committee, ISO certification, etc. 
Serve as SWD’s integrator of strategic and tactical metrics.  Ensure that right things are being measured at the right time and consists of forward looking (leading) and after the fact (lagging) metrics.  Oversee and provide regional management of SWD’s workload/workforce information system.  Lead and monitor workload-sharing and contract sharing metrics.  Identify automated information system requirements to implement initiatives for improving business processes. Serve as the RBC data architect and systems integrator, including integration and interface of regional databases, data storage/extraction requirements resulting from the RBC business process reengineering, and management of electronic records.
Support regional business center concept as our primary operating doctrine and business process. Focus on regionalization issues and leverage regional and national resources and assets to ensure execution and quality assurance. Facilitate the RBC through the Regional Management Board.
Lead in guiding and overseeing customer outreach activities, business development initiatives, and account plans.  Provide annual USACE customer surveys (Civil Works and MILCON) and provide analysis to the SWD Commander, senior leaders, and command group on customer satisfaction and concerns.  Conduct outreach to strategically communicate USACE and SWD key messages and capabilities to external communities, such as international organizations, professional organizations, NGOs, local communities, etc.  Seek opportunities to leverage USACE resources with other international organizations, Federal partners, and stakeholders, to more effectively meet national and regional security goals and objectives.
Serve as strategic management program manager. Establish and manage strategic direction, goals and objectives of SWD through the Implementation Plan (IPLAN). Capture USACE goals and objectives contained in USACE Campaign Plan and provide operating strategies to implement the IPLAN and the OPLAN actions and tasks.  Assist HQUSACE in corporate strategic planning, developing regional strategic scenarios, and participating in strategic planning teams. Advise and prepare the SWD Commander, senior leaders, and command group on strategy, long range planning, and national and regional security and domestic issues.